Welcome to Sys-Inventor Lab!

Brief Biography

Lei Liu is a Full Professor of Computer Science at Beihang University and a professor at Institute of Computing Technology (ICT), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). He leads the Sys-Inventor Lab. Lei Liu served as the Chief Engineer of National Supercomputing Center (Shenzhen). He joined the ICT faculty in 2014 after receiving his Ph.D. degree in computer science from ICT (his Ph.D. thesis). Besides, he received his MS degree in software system design at University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), and BS degree in computer science at Dalian University of Technology (DLUT), respectively. He spent several years in industry as a software engineer and senior software architect. He was a visiting scholar in CS at the University of Rochester (UR).

He has led research projects that have advanced the cloud native technologies, involving memory systems, OS, AI for Systems, performance isolation, and profiling. 1) Technical evolutions for memory partitioning approaches; 2) Hybrid memory management in OS for systems using NVM-DRAM; 3) Next generation OS - leveraging ML to build core components in OS; and 4) Quantum computing technologies. As the leading author (PI), Lei has published research articles regarding the architecture and operating system in venues that include ISCA, HPCA, FAST, PACT, IEEE TC, TPDS, ACM TACO, and etc. Recently, his work has focused on the intersection of the hybrid memory system (DRAM-NVM), OS for emerging technologies (including GPU, Graph, Quantum Computing as well as AI).

Lei Liu is an IEEE and ACM member, has served as the PC/ERC members, chairs for a number of main stream conferences (e.g., ISCA, MICRO, HPCA, SC, PACT, ICS, IISWC, ASPLOS, ICCD, ICPP, IPDPS, HPCC, General co-Chair of IEEE IISWC-2020, ACM ICS-2018) and reviewer for well-known Transactions (ACM TACO, ACM JETC, ACM TECS, ACM TRTS, IEEE TPDS). He received a number of awards.

His Email: lei.liu@zoho.com; liulei2010@{buaa.edu.cn; ict.ac.cn}


刘磊的研究包括云计算系统,新型操作系统(如AI/ML for OS)、内存系统(如NVM、大内存系统)、新型计算机系统架构(如量超融合计算架构)、系统性能评测、优化及可扩展性等多个方面。自2011年起,刘磊带领其课题组研发了面向主流多核、多通道服务器,及异构内存体系的新内存资源管理系统原型;探索了新OS的智能化;探索了量子计算机体系结构、系统软件栈及支撑环境。相关研究成果以第一作者并通讯作者发表于ISCA, HPCA, FAST, PACT, IEEE TC, TPDS, ACM TACO等领域内权威学术会议和刊物,并在业内产生了影响力。近十年,刘磊曾主持或参与多项国家级项目(包括自然科学基金、重点研发计划、省重点研发等横纵项目等);此外,他还担任了一系列权威国际学术会议的程序委员会委员、组委会成员等职位50余次(并2次担任ACM/IEEE权威学术会议的总主席),是中国计算机学会量子计算专委会首批执行委员会委员。刘磊曾获得“北航优秀科研人员”、“中国科学院院长优秀奖”、“计算所优秀科研人员” 等荣誉。



The research in Sys-Inventor Lab focuses on new strategies for next-generation computing systems, covering the OS, cloud, memory, quantum, and ML/AI technologies.

  • New Operating System design methods and principles
  • OS for Emerging Technologies and Applications
  • New Trend, AI and Quantum Computer
  • New Memory Architecture, e.g., NVM, Memory Management, Optimization, Disaggregated Memory
  • Architectural Interaction and Resource Scheduling
  • Profiling and Performance Evaluation


  1. Intelligent Operating Systems

    (1) New AI/ML-based design methods and principles for making OS intelligent. The latest thinking and efforts are in ACM TOS-2024.

    (2) ML/AI-based scheduling mechanisms on large-scale cloud servers to improve system performance, QoS, resource utilization, and save energy.

    • The study of OSML is accepted by FAST-2023.
    • The work on using ML to enhance thread scheduling on platforms with a hybird DRAM-NVM memory system is in CCF THPC-2022. Link
    • On 26/Nov 2019, the technique report about OSML is available via this Link. OSML uses multiple collaborative ML models to schedule multiple interactive resources for co-located latency-critical services.

    (3) On mobile, leveraging AI/ML technologies to optimize the system’s energy and efficiency. The latest study is in ACM TACO-2024.

  2. Quantum Computing OS and Architecture

    (1) OS for Quantum computers and computing systems

    • QuCloud (HPCA’21) and QuCloud+ (TACO’24) propose the QuOS prototypes.

    (2) Distributed quantum computing systems

    (3) The next-generation quantum computer architecture, software stack, OS, and etc.

    • QuCloud+ is in ACM TACO-2024.
    • QuCloud is in IEEE HPCA-2021 and PACT-2020.

    (4) Quantum computing simulation as well as AI.

  3. Memory Management for Large Memory Systems

    (1) iSwap - reuse pattern and learning-based memory page swap mechanism, which reduces the ineffective I/O swap operations and improves the QoS for applications with a high priority in modern OSes. iSwap works well on the latest off-the-shelf Intel/ARM platforms. The latest publication is in ACM TACO-2024.

    (2) Memory paging with fine/coarse granularities. The idea and first step effort are in ACM SIGOPS APSys-2019.

  4. Non-Volatile Memory - Hybrid Memory Management for Tiered Memory Systems in OS

    The emerging hybrid DRAM-NVM architecture is challenging the existing memory management mechanism in operating systems. In this project, we introduce Memos, which can hierarchically schedule memory resources over the entire memory hierarchy including cache, channels, main memory comprising DRAM and NVM simultaneously. Powered by our newly designed kernel-level monitoring module (HyMM) and page migration engine, Memos can dynamically optimize the data placement at the memory hierarchy in response to the on-line memory patterns, current resource utilization and memory medium features. The efforts are published in IEEE TPDS-2019 and ICCD-2016.

  5. SysMon (2014~Now)

    A light-weight OS-level system monitoring tool suite, which is able to profile the memory utilization (including cache utilization, memory footprint, approximate row-buffer locality, physical page level logic re-use time, access frequency, hot/cold features and write/read patterns) without any hardware supports. SysMon is especially useful in VM and system-level research work. Sysmon is now open source on Github. The beta version is introduced in ISCA-2014, TC-2016, and we further discuss reducing the sampling overhead in APPT-2017 in detail. In practice, it has high accuracy and low overheads.

  6. Hierarchically Optimizting Data Placement across Cache and Memory Banks on Cloud Servers (2011~Now)

    To provide ideal overall system throughput and QoS, in this project, the “Vertical Partitioning” is proposed to cooperatively optimize the data placement across cache and DRAM banks. We redesign the memory management component is OS kernel (e.g. buddy system) according to memory architecture details, thus “Vertical Partitioning” can simultaneously mitigate/eliminate the memory interferences at the entire memory hierarchy (i.e. cache-bank). Moreover, we further devise the “Curve-Vertical” Partitioning approach to handle the diverse memory behaviors exhibited by the appearing “memory-diversity” workloads on multi-core platforms. The efforts are published in ISCA-2014 and IEEE TC-2016 (Featured article invited).

    • I have led this project since 2011 (PI). This project has a continuous impact on both academia and industry. The history and development of this series of studies can be accessed via this link for Chinese version and here.
  7. Reducing Memory Conflicts on Real Cloud Servers - DRAM Bank/Channel Partitioning Mechanism (BPM/BPM+) (2011~Now)

    This work begins with the contention/interference issues in main memory systems, and I tackle them from the Operating System angle. In existing OS, memory resources are “blindly” allocated to applications (threads), leading to memory contentions in DRAM Banks in the root. In order to solve this problem, I extend the well-known Page-Coloring to eliminate/mitigate the interferences between threads on memory banks and channels. These studies help and motivate many works on improving the overall system throughput, locality and QoS. More details are in PACT-2012 and ACM TACO-2014. I have led this project since 2011 as the PI. This project has a continuous impact on both academia and industry.

    - We are glad to see Sys-Inventors’ efforts have had a long-term impact on scientific community and industry.

Selected Publications

  1. Is Intelligence the Right Direction to Go in New System Design?

    X. Dou, L. Liu*, L. Xiao. ACM Transactions on Storage (TOS):2024

  2. An Intelligent Scheduling Approach on Mobile OS for Optimizing UI Smoothness and Power

    Xinglei Dou, Lei Liu*, Limin Xiao. ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO):2024

  3. iSwap: A New Memory Page Swap Mechanism for Reducing Ineffective I/O Operations in Cloud Environments [Slides (pptx) in Chinese]

    Zhuohao Wang, Lei Liu*, Limin Xiao. ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO):2024

  4. QuCloud+: A Holistic Qubit Mapping Scheme for Single/Multi-programming on 2D/3D NISQ Quantum Computers

    Lei Liu*, Xinglei Dou. ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO):2024

  5. Intelligent Resource Scheduling for Co-located Latency-critical Services: A Multi-Model Collaborative Learning Approach [Slides (pptx)]

    Lei Liu*, Xinglei Dou, Yuetao Chen. The 21st USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST):2023

  6. ATA-Cache: Contention Mitigation for GPU Shared L1 Cache with Aggregated Tag Array

    X. Xu, L. Wang, L. Xiao, L. Liu, et al. IEEE Trans. on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD):2023

  7. EBIO: An Efficient Block I/O Stack for NVMe SSDs with Mixed Workloads

    J. Zhu, L. Wang, L. Xiao, L. Liu, G. Qin. IEEE Trans. on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD):2023

  8. CFIO: A conflict-free I/O mechanism to fully exploit internal parallelism for Open-Channel SSDs

    J. Zhu, L. Wang, L. Xiao, L. Liu, G. Qin. Journal of Systems Architecture (JSA):2023

  9. Smart Scheduler: an Adaptive NVM-Aware Thread Scheduling Approach on NUMA Systems

    Y. Chen, K. Qiu, L. Chen, H. Jia, Y. Zhang, L. Xiao, L. Liu*. CCF Transactions on High Performance Computing (THPC):2022

  10. QuCloud: A New Qubit Mapping Mechanism for Multi-programming Quantum Computing in Cloud Environment [Slides (pptx)]

    Lei Liu*, Xinglei Dou. The 27th IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA):2021

  11. The Evolution of Memory Partitioning Technologies: A Case Study through Page Coloring

    Jiefan Qiu, Zonghan Hua, Jing Fan, Lei Liu*. Journal of Software in Chinese (软件学报):2021

  12. An Investigation into Quantum Program Mapping on Superconducting Quantum Computers

    Xinglei Dou, Lei Liu*, Yuetao Chen. Journal of Computer Research and Development in Chinese (计算机研究与发展):2021

    - Special Issue on Quantum Computing in J. of Computer R&D

  13. Quantum Computing Simulations and Optimizations: A Survey

    Zhichao Yu, Yangzhong Li, Lei Liu* and Shengzhong Feng. J. of Computer Engineering in Chinese (计算机工程):2021

    - Invited Article in J. of Computer Engineering

  14. IEEE Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization, Virtual. October 27-29, 2020

    General Chair. IEEE 16th International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC):2020

  15. A New Qubits Mapping Mechanism for Multi-programming Quantum Computing [Slides (pptx)]

    Xinglei Dou, Lei Liu*. The 29th ACM/IEEE Intl. Conf. on Par. Architectures and Compilation Tech. (PACT):2020 (Poster)

  16. Monitoring Memory Behaviors and Mitigating NUMA Drawbacks on Tiered NVM Systems [Slides (pptx)]

    S. Yang, X. Li, X. Dou, X. Gong, H. Liu, L. Chen, L. Liu*. The 17th IFIP Intl. Conf. on Network and Par. Computing (NPC):2020

  17. Hierarchical Hybrid Memory Management in OS for Tiered Memory Systems

    Lei Liu*, Shengjie Yang, Lu Peng, Xinyu Li. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS):2019

  18. Architectural Support for NVRAM Persistence in GPUs

    Sui Chen, Lei Liu, Weihua Zhang, Lu Peng. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS):2019

  19. Efficient GPU NVRAM Persistence with Helper Warps

    Sui Chen, Faen Zhang, Lei Liu and Lu Peng. The 56th ACM/IEEE/SIGDA/CEDA Design Automation Conference (DAC):2019

  20. Thinking about A New Mechanism for Huge Page Management [Slides (pptx)]

    Xinyu Li, Lei Liu*, Shengjie Yang, Lu Peng, Jiefan Qiu. The 10th ACM SIGOPS Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems (APSys):2019

  21. ACM Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Supercomputing, Beijing, China. June 12-15, 2018

    General Chair. ACM 32nd International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS):2018

  22. Tackling Diversity and Heterogeneity by Vertical Memory Management

    Lei Liu. arXiv:1704.01198:2017 (Short Version for the ISCA-2014 Paper)

  23. Memos: Revisiting Hybrid Memory Management in Modern Operating System

    Lei Liu*, Mengyao Xie and Hao Yang. arXiv:1703.07725:2017

  24. SysMon: Monitoring Memory Behaviors via OS Approach

    M. Xie, L. Liu*, H. Yang, et al. The 12th Intl. Symp. on Adv. Par. Processing Tech. (APPT):2017

  25. Memos: A Full Hierarchy Hybrid Memory Management Framework (Position Paper)

    Lei Liu*, et al. The 34th International Conf. on Computer Design (ICCD):2016

  26. Rethinking Memory Management in Modern Operating System: Horizontal, Vertical or Random? [Slides (pptx)]

    Lei Liu*, et al. IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC):2016

    - Trans. Version of the ISCA-2014 paper. This article was a featured article candidate in IEEE TC.

  27. Going Vertical in Memory Management: Handling Multiplicity by Multi-policy [Slides (pptx)]

    Lei Liu*, et al. The 41st ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA):2014

    - The 9th ISCA paper in mainland China history since y2k.

  28. BPM/BPM+: Software-based Dynamic Memory Partitioning Mechanisms for Mitigating DRAM Bank-/Channel-level Interferences in Multicore Systems

    Lei Liu*, et al. ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO):2014

  29. A Software Memory Partition Approach for Eliminating Bank-level Interference in Multicore Systems [Slides (pptx)]

    Lei Liu*, et al. The 21st ACM/IEEE International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT):2012

    - Influential Article in Semantic Scholar. Cited Greater than 200 Citations.

  30. WiseThrottling: A New Asynchronous Task Scheduler for Mitigating I/O Bottleneck in Large-Scale Datacenter Servers

    Fang Lv*, Lei Liu, Huimin Cui, Lei Wang, Ying Liu, Xiaobing Feng, P.C. Yew (UMN). J. of Supercomputing:2015

  31. Dynamic I/O-Aware Scheduling for Batch-Mode Applications on Chip Multiprocessor Systems of Cluster Platforms

    Fang Lv*, Huimin Cui, Lei Wang, Lei Liu, et al. JCST:2014

    Google Citation, * corresponding author


  1. 一种基于机器学习的移动设备算力调度方法 (Chinese Version). First Inventor

  2. 一种减少延迟敏感应用程序的内存页面 IO 操作的操作系统内存换页机制 (Chinese Version). First Inventor

  3. 一种减少无效 I/O 的操作系统内存换页机制 (Chinese Version). First Inventor

  4. 面向超导量子计算机的量子程序并行处理方法及操作系统 (Chinese Version). First Inventor

  5. 一种微服务资源调度系统和方法 (Chinese Version). First Inventor

  6. 一种消除远程非易失性内存访问的进程调度技术 (Chinese Version). First Inventor

  7. Memory Resource Optimization Method and Apparatus (PCT, US). First Inventor (with Wu and Feng).

  8. 一种存储器资源优化方法和装置 (Chinese Version). First Inventor (with Wu and Feng). 发明人:刘磊、吴、冯晓兵.

    - Part of the ideas in ISCA-2014 is within.


  1. 量子操作系统(QuOS)及软件栈 - 从经典计算机的是视角看量子计算机系统(2022首届CCF量子计算大会分论坛邀请报告;Invited Talk in Chinese)

  2. “东数西算”半载,行业突围战打响,人才、网络、节能等成关键(Invited Interview in Chinese)

  3. “东数西算”解决算力分布式使用面临的挑战是数据移动的开销(Invited Interview in Chinese)

  4. 成功举办IISWC-2020(IISWC-2020 is successful! News in Chinese via ICT link

  5. 成功举办ACM ICS-2018(ACM ICS-2018 is successful! News in Chinese via ICT link)

  6. 多核系统内存资源管理优化技术的研究(博士学位论文,导师:吴、冯;涵盖本人发表在ISCA、PACT、TACO的成果; Lei’s Ph. D. dissertation in Chinese, covering his work in ISCA, PACT and TACO. Supervisor: Wu and Feng)出版物链接(BOOK)

    Defense Committee (May/2014): Fengbin Qi (漆锋斌), Zhaoqing Zhang (张兆庆), Zifeng Hou (侯紫峰), Zhiyong Liu (刘志勇), Wenguang Chen (陈文光), Zhimin Tang (唐志敏), Xiaodong Zhang (张晓东)

  7. 编译技术的领路人-谨祝国重编译组张兆庆研究员获得“夏培肃奖”(Invited Essay in Chinese)

  8. PACT-2015 PC会议记录与硅谷工业界访问之行(Invited Essay in Chinese)

  9. ISCA-2014与北美学术之旅(Invited Essay in Chinese)

  10. Page Coloring的历史与发展(Invited Survey in Chinese)

Recent Professional Services

  1. General co-Chair of IEEE IISWC-2020
  2. General co-Chair of ACM ICS-2018 (Record attendance! and Record submission in recent 10 years!)
  3. Member of the Program Committee of ISCA-2024, 2023, 2022, 2021 (ERC), 2016 (ERC)
  4. Member of the Program Committee of MICRO-2023, 2022, 2021, 2020 (Chair of NVM session)
  5. Member of the Program Committee of PPoPP-2025, 2022
  6. Member of the Program Committee of HPCA-2020, 2019 (ERC)
  7. Member of the Program Committee of IPDPS-2020
  8. Publicity co-Chair of IEEE IISWC-2019
  9. Member of the Program Committee of SC-2019
  10. Member of the Program Committee of ICCD-2024, 2023, 2022, 2020, 2019, 2018
  11. Member of the Program Committee of APPT-2019
  12. Member of the Program Committee of IISWC-2021, 2017
  13. Member of the Program Committee of ICPP-2020, 2017
  14. Member of the Program Committee of ICS-2017, and Chair of Session 5
  15. Member of the Program Committee of PACT-2015, 2016 (ERC), 2019 (ERC)
  16. Member of the Program Committee of IEEE IPDPS-2016
  17. Member of the Program Committee (ERC) of ASPLOS-2016, 2017, 2018 (Chair of Session Run time, and SRC Judge), 2022
  18. Member of the Program Committee of HPCC-2015, 2016
  19. Member of the Program Committee of HP3C-2017, 2018, 2019
  20. Reviewer of ACM TACO, ACM JETC, ACM TECS, ACM TRTS, ACM Transactions on Quantum Computing, JPDC, IEEE TPDS, IEEE TC, IEEE CAL
  21. Review Expert of National Science Foundation of China (NSFC)
  22. 《计算机工程》青年编委、审稿人


  • New Computer System Design and Performance Optimization (in Chinese, Spring)
  • High Energy-efficient Computer System (in Chinese, Spring and Fall)

Recent News

  • Two papers are accepted by ACM TACO-2014. Congratulations for the fruits on memory swap system and AI for mobile systems!
  • “QuCloud+” is accepted by ACM TACO-2023. Congratulations for the fruits on Quantum computers!
  • “OSML” is accepted by FAST-2023. Congratulations!
  • Get a new funding from Guangdong Province for the Key R&D Program of Guangdong Province (Chief Scientist).
  • Get a new funding from OPPO for the project of AI for System on Mobiles (PI).
  • “QuCloud” is accepted by HPCA-2021. Congratulations!
  • Get a new funding from NSFC (2021~2024) for the research “An Investigation into the Key Technologies of Software Stack Design and Optimization for the Heterogeneous Memory and Computing Systems”. Congratulations to Sys-Inventors!
  • The first step effort on quantum computing is accepted as a poster by PACT-2020.
  • [Plz Note]: I am Lei Liu (刘磊 in Chinese); I have nothing to do with the Mulan project in ICT. The leader of this project has the same name in English but not with the same Chinese characters. Thanks for your understanding. More details on my work and myself can be found in this page. 请注意,我的名字是刘磊,我从未参与过“木兰”语言项目,研究领域也不是编程语言。该项目的负责人只是与我拼音名字相同而已。
  • We will host IEEE IISWC-2020, and I myself will serve as the chair in general for this event. Looking forward your contributions!
  • I am visiting LSU and College of William and Mary from 9~13/Dec 2019. The topic is “Achieving Better Resource Scheduling through Enhanced OS and ML Technologies”.
  • A paper from Sys-Inventor Lab is accepted by APSys-2019. The topic is on huge page management in OS.
  • Prof. Michael Scott visits us on 13/May, 2019. His talk is Systems Support for Persistent ‘In-Memory’ Data.
  • Looking forword your submissions to IEEE IISWC-2019.
  • A paper with the topic on hybrid memory management for DRAM-NVM from Sys-Inventor Lab is accepted by IEEE TPDS-2019. Congratulations!
  • A paper co-authored with Lu Peng’s group (the leading author was within) at LSU is accepted by DAC-2019.
  • Congratulations for the success of the ICS-2018. Thank people who contributed to this event. Prof. Mateo Valero’s Keynote slides and Prof. Hironori’s Keynote slides for ICS-2018 are avaiable here.
  • ICS-2018 is going to start tomorrow. Thanks for your coming!
  • Hope you could submit your excellent work to ICS-2018! Here is the CFP. Here is the Call for Workshop.
  • A paper is accepted in APPT-2017.
  • I am now visiting the CS department at U. of Rochester. cs.rochester.edu
  • ICS-2017 will be hold in Chicago. You are expected to submit your excellent work. Hope to see you there.:)
  • Lei Liu is promoted (1/33,14/15). Thank all of my friends. :)
  • A paper is accpeted in ICCD-2016, to appear at the conference in Phoenix, AZ, US.
  • [Good News]: ICS-2018 will be hold in Beijing, hosted by SKL, ICT, organized by Lei Liu, Michael Gschwind, Avi Mendelson, P-C Yew and Xiaobing Feng, etc. Come and join us, and let us make ICS a great success in China!
  • I will go to attend ICS-2016 from 1/June to 3, in Istanbul, and bid for ICS-2018, Beijing. Good Luck for all of our colleagues!
  • Best Wishes to all of my friends and collaborators! I wish you a very happy and fruitful new year, 2016, way to go!
  • Happy Teachers’ Day (教师节快乐) on 10/9/2015! I would like to extend my deep thanks to Prof. Zhang, Wu and Feng for their help in my Ph.D., and on behalf of professors in compiler team, I would like to extend our thanks to all of the students! You are the pride of us! Stay hungry, Stay foolish.
  • Our research entitled “An Investigation into Asymmetry Multi-Channel Architecture for Supporting Heterogeneous Memory System and the Corresponding Heuristic Memory Management Mechanism” will be supported by a new funding from Natural Science Foundation (NSF) of China from 2016 to the end of 2018. Congratulations to Sys-Inventors!
  • I am visiting VMware (CA,US) and Huawei research center (CA,US) from 27/July ~ 3/Aug 2015. The theme is “Rethinking Memory Management in Modern Operating System – Memory Optimization by Leveraging Hardware Features”.
  • Congratulations! The paper entitled “Rethinking Memory Management in Modern Operating System” from our Sys-Inventor group in Compiler team is Accepted by IEEE Trans. on Computers! Thank all of the authors for their contributions. On behalf of the authors in this paper, I would like to extend my deep thanks to these who pay attentions on our work for their valuable comments, especially Prof. Xiaodong Zhang (Ohio), P. C. Yew (UMN). This is a further step of our work in ISCA-2014, and more details of new findings are presented in this paper. You are expected to read it.
  • Hao Yang and Mengyao Xie joined us. Welcome!
  • I am visiting VMware in Palo Alto. CA US. (will give a talk about system optimization on 23 June 2014, Monday).
  • I go now to attend ISCA-2014 in MN US., and will present “Going Vertical in Memory Management” on 16 June Monday.
  • Congratulations! The paper “Going Vertical in Memory Management: Handling Multiplicity by Multi-policy” from our Sys-Inventor group in Compiler team was accepted by ISCA-2014.
  • Congratulations! The further work on DRAM Bank partitioning from Sys-Inventor, BPM/BPM+, was accepted by ACM TACO-2014.
  • Congratulations! The work on DRAM Bank partitioning from Sys-Inventor, was accepted by PACT-2012.

Awards and Honors

  • Outstanding Faculty Award, CS, Beihang, 2023
  • Outstanding Faculty Award, SKLCA, ICT, 2019
  • 100-Academic-Stars Program, ICT, 2017
  • Outstanding Scientific Researcher (Outstanding Faculty Award), ICT, 2015
  • National Scholarship for Ph.D
  • Chinese Academy of Sciences President’s Award for Excellence, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Outstanding Graduates, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Advanced Individual in State Key Lab. of Computer Architecture, ICT
  • The Bewinner Communications (北纬通信) Second Prize for Self-dependent Innovation
  • Merit student, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Academic Genealogy

Lei Liu Ph.D, 2014, ICT, CAS

Xiaobing Feng Ph.D, 1999, ICT, CAS; Chengyong Wu Ph.D, 2000 (He is a monk and has passed away. Mourns in memoriam)

Zhaoqing Zhang 1960, PKU

Resume References

Yunquan Zhang (ICT), Xiaobing Feng (ICT), Xiaowei Li (ICT), Guangyu Sun (PKU), Bin Ren (WM), Scott Michael (Rochester), P-C Yew (UMN)



  • Xinglei Dou (Ph.D. Student; Master, ICT)
  • Zhuohao Wang (Master Student; B.S., Beihang)
  • Pengyu Li (Master Student; B.S., NCEPU)

Former Students

  • Yuetao Chen, Master 2024, enters Ph.D. program in CUHK
  • Shengjie Yang, Master 2021, Tencent; Outstanding graduate honor of ICT and UCAS (2%), Excellent dissertation
  • Zonghan Hua, Master 2021, The People’s Bank of China, Zhejiang; Excellent guest student award in SKLCA
  • Hao Yang, Master 2017, Huawei
  • Xinyu Li, Master 2022
  • Mengyao Xie, 9/2015~4/2018
  • Yong Li, 2014, intern, first job - engineer in VMware; co-supervised since 2013 to 2015 and A. K. Jones (PITT)
  • Zehan Cui, 2015, intern, first job - ICT till 2016; co-supervised since 2011 to 2012 and Mingyu Chen


Postal Address

Address: 北京市海淀区学院路37号

Post Code: 100191